The Random Show :)

ok, 2 of us was sitting there bored and we started coming up with ways to freak out our friends! here is the complete list!

30 ways to freak out your friends

1.         play catch with your cell phone while taping a video

2.         lay under your bed with a pair of head phones, wishing you had a mp3 player

3.         make cookies out of the cookie dough from cookie dough ice cream

4.         make chocolate milk ice cubes

5.         give a hobo a hug

6.         sit in your closet and sing backyardagin  songs

7.         drink an energy drink and then lay on the floor, twitching

8.         draw bugs on your toes and call them “brothers” and “sisters”

9.         melt a kiwi-grape popsicle and drink it

10.      tape a sign on somebody’s back that says “I eat dirty toilet paper”

11.      make something from an old pair of underwear

12.      fill a balloon with pudding and throw it at someone

13.      put your feet in the toilet and flush it

14.      run trough the halls screaming “my therapist says I’m ‘special’”

15.      write your name on your forehead using a toothbrush and toothpaste

16.      tell everyone that your favorite color is clear

17.      sleep under your bed

18.      bring sprinkles for lunch, eat them one by one, and tell people that you are savoring the flavor

19.      laugh, hiccup, and burp, all in the same sentence

20.      tell everyone that you are ADD, grab a magic marker and say “oh the thrills I shall have”

21.      stand up randomly in one of your classes and say “I lost it”-5 minutes later say-“I found it”

22.      write a song including strange facts about yourself

23.      count to 100, saying after each number “I’m one number closer,” in a British accent

24.      say to your friends “ I’m afraid of dust bunnies so I just eat them”

25.      tape a note to your back that reads “follow me” and call everyone behind you a stalker

26.      pet someone’s fuzzy jacket and say “ I’ve always wanted a hamster”

27.      jump up and down saying “it’s just like magic”

28.      for a day, whenever someone asks you a question reply “Wednesday”

29.      read while sitting in a cardboard box

30.      complete this list!!!